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Also know, why are the Brazilian Highlands important?
The Brazilian Highlands make up more than half of the country's landmass and are the main source of the nation's abundant mineral wealth.
In this regard, where are the Brazilian Highlands?
Brazilian Highlands, Portuguese Planalto Central, eroded plateau region of central and southeastern Brazil. Comprising more than half of the country's landmass, the highlands are located mainly in Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Goiás, and Mato Grosso estados (states). Brazilian HighlandsBrazilian Highlands.
Brazilian Highlands The highlands include many smaller sub-ranges, such as the Serra do Paranapiataba, Serra de Mantiquiera, Serra do Mar and Serra Geral, as well as rolling hills, cliffs, plateaus and rocky outcroppings. In some areas, the mountains plunge straight down into the Atlantic Ocean.