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Herein, how wide should a circular driveway be?
This drawing shows a circular driveway wideenough for two cars and with space for parking. The standarddriveway width for residential homes ranges from 9 feet to24 feet. The width of your driveway will vary based onwhether you want a single car drive or double cardrive.
Also to know, how many feet do you need for a circular driveway?
The outer diameter of the half circle should beat least 75 feet, and the width of the drivewayshould be 15 feet to enable vehicles to make the turn ofthe curved driveway with ease.
A two car driveway should be a minimum of 18'wide. Ideally 20' - 24' is often used to allow for easierparking side-by-side, and reduces the risk of doorsswinging into other vehicles. If you have a side entrygarage, you need to design your driveway to allow enoughroom to maneuver in and out of your garage.