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Asked by: Balal Dubreuil
medical health bone and joint conditionsHow would you classify this joint structurally?
There are two ways to classify joints: on the basis of their structure or on the basis of their function. The structural classification divides joints into fibrous, cartilaginous, and synovial joints depending on the material composing the joint and the presence or absence of a cavity in the joint.
Herein, what is the classification of this type of joint?
A joint is defined as a connection between two bones in the skeletal system. Joints can be classified by the type of the tissue present (fibrous, cartilaginous or synovial), or by the degree of movement permitted (synarthrosis, amphiarthrosis or diarthrosis).
Then, what is the structural classification of intervertebral joint?
Each disc allows for limited movement between the vertebrae and thus functionally forms an amphiarthrosis type of joint. Intervertebral discs are made of fibrocartilage and thereby structurally form a symphysis type of cartilaginous joint.
cartilaginous joints