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In this manner, what is cotton fabric definition?
Cotton is a natural fiber that comes fromtheseedpod of the cotton plant and is used to makemanyfabric types at every price point. The fiber is hollowinthe center and, under the microscope, resembles a twisted ribbon.Aplain weave produces fabrics like gingham, percale,chambrayand broadcloth.
Similarly, how would you describe cotton candy?
noun. a fluffy, sweet confection whipped from spunsugarand gathered or wound around a stick or cone-shapedpapercore.
TEXTURE: Is the surface appearanceoffabric. Texture is the one element you can seeandfeel. Texture is found in the thickness and appearanceofthe fabric. Words that describe texture are:Loopy,fuzzy, furry, soft, shiny, dull, bulky, rough, crisp,smooth,sheer,etc.