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Asked by: Whitney Kandisky
medical health brain and nervous system disordersHow your brain processes information?
Correspondingly, how is information processed?
Information processing is thechange(processing) of information in any mannerdetectableby an observer. As such, it is a process that describeseverythingthat happens (changes) in the universe, from the fallingof a rock(a change in position) to the printing of a text file fromadigital computer system.
One may also ask, how fast does the brain process information?
However, a team of neuroscientists from MIT hasfoundthat the human brain can process entire images that theeyesees for as little as 13 milliseconds — the first evidenceofsuch rapid processing speed. That speed is far fasterthanthe 100 milliseconds suggested by previousstudies.
Information processing refers to themanipulationof digitized information by computers and otherdigitalelectronic equipment, known collectively asinformationtechnology (IT). Information processingsystems includebusiness software, operating systems, computers,networks andmainframes.