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Similarly, is a GRE score of 316 good?
In very general terms, above the 75th percentile ineither section is good. That's about a 161 or higher inQuant and a 157 or higher in Verbal. Scores at least onestandard deviation from the mean are even better, 161 in Quant and159 in Verbal.
Target Schools.
School / Program | Average GRE Score |
UPenn — Education PhD | 320 |
University of Michigan — Civil and EnvironmentalEngineering PhD | 320 |
Emory — Political Science PhD | 320 |
University of Minnesota — Earth Sciences | 318 |
Moreover, what is a good score for the GRE?
Remember that the Verbal and Quantitative portions ofthe GRE are scored between 130–170, and theaverage score falls somewhere around 150-152. The AnalyticalWriting section of the GRE is scored between 0 and 6in half-point increments, and the average hits somewhere around3.5.
Score range for GRE is 260-340 (Includingverbal and Quant). Here is the categorization of the scores.If you are targeting TOP 20 universities you have to get 300+ forengineering major. Any score above 300 + will get youadmission from a Decent university.