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In respect to this, is a cone a pyramid yes or no?
I understand that a pyramid is a special case ofa cone and therefore you can refer a pyramid as acone but not the other way around. In common usage, the wordcone refers to a right circular cone, which is acone whose base is a circle and whose vertex is directlyabove or below the center of the circle.
Furthermore, is a cone a pyramid or prism?
A cone is a three-dimensional object with onecircular base and one curved side that meets at a point. A goodexample of a cone is an ice cream cone. Therelationship between a cylinder and a cone is similar to therelationship between a pyramid and aprism.
In math, a prism is a polyhedron made up of parallel topand bottom bases and rectangular side faces. Pyramids haveone base and triangular side faces, which meet at a central vertexpoint. A dice or cube is an example of a prism.