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Asked by: Adelin Urquidi
technology and computing computer peripheralsIs a DVD writer the same as a disk drive?
Considering this, is a DVD writer the same as a CD drive?
The DVD Writer/CD Writer is a multipurposerewriteable drive that can read audio, data, and video filesand can record, or write, in both CD and DVDformats.
Also to know, what does DVD writer mean?
DVD writer - ComputerDefinition An optical drive that reads and writes all types ofDVD media: DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW andDVD+RW. Contrast with a DVD-ROM drive that only readsdiscs. See CD/DVD drive, DVD and DVDburner.
Most laptops have some sort of DVD orCD-RW (CD writeable) drive built into thelaptop itself. Because of the tight space constraints, somesmaller laptops offer an accessory slot where you can swapthe optical drive with a spare battery or other accessory.Even smaller laptops don't have any internaldrives at all.