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Asked by: Malia Geiger
medical health heart and cardiovascular diseasesIs a heart of gold an idiom?
In this regard, has a heart of gold idiom meaning?
A very kind and good nature, as in Bill is verygenerous; he has a heart of gold. This expression alludes togold in the sense of “something valued for itsgoodness.” [ Late 1500s]
In this way, is Heart of Gold a metaphor or idiom?
Idioms: An idiom is a phrase or expressionin which the figurative meaning is different than the literalmeaning of the words. It's also sometimes known as a figure ofspeech. For example, "having a heart of gold," doesn't meansomeone has a gold heart but that a person is very generousand caring.
It comes from the idea of gold being a preciousmetal that is highly valued. The use of this idiom dates back atleast to the 1500s. The expression was already in use duringShakespeare's time, when he included it in his play Henry V. Itappears in a scene in which the king has disguised himself as acommoner.