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People also ask, is a labyrinth the same as a maze?
A maze is a complex branching (multicursal)puzzlethat includes choices of path and direction, may havemultipleentrances and exits, and dead ends. A labyrinth isunicursali.e. has only a single, non-branching path, which leadsto thecenter then back out the same way, with only oneentry/exitpoint.
Besides, can you get lost in a labyrinth?
A maze can be frustrating, frightening,orchallenging. You can get lost in a maze. Alabyrinth,unlike a maze, has no dead ends. There isonly onepath, and while it does have twists andturns, youcan't get lost.
"Knossos is mentioned in Homer. IftheLabyrinth is a real thing, it was the way in which asitesuch as Knossos was transmitted into laterGreekmyth."