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Asked by: Lidiana Stumpfl
style and fashion mens shoes and footwearIs a mens 7 and Youth 7 the same?
Keeping this in view, is a youth 7 the same as a men's 7?
Unlike adults, children's shoe sizes are thesameregardless of the gender. The scale children's shoes useisactually the same for men. In other words, achild'ssize size 7 is the same as a men's size7, andequivalent to a woman's size 8 or8½.
9 4/16 | 5.5Y | W 7 |
9 6/16 | 6Y | M 6 / W 7.5 |
9 9/16 | 6.5Y | M 6.5 / W 8 |
9 11/16 | 7Y | M 7 / W 8.5 |
Similarly, what is a men's 7 in youth?
Kid's shoes, in the grade school range,followMen's sizing. For example, kid's sizes stop at size7followed by a Men's 7.5. There is an approximate oneand ahalf size difference between Men's and Women's sizing.Themost similar size to a Men's size 7 is a Women'ssize8.5.
Women's sizing runs 1.5 sizes larger thanyouthsizing. So to determine your youth size, simply subtract 1.5fromyour regular size. For example, if you wear a women's7.5,you would wear a youth 6. Youth sizes run as large as a7,so anything up to an 8.5 falls within thewomen's/kid'soverlap.