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People also ask, how bad is a septum piercing?
Most piercings can be uncomfortable. Everyone hastheir own pain tolerance, so it's worth bearing yours in mind, buta septum shouldn't hurt much more than a standard nosepiercing and it shouldn't go through cartilage. It'll be astrong pinch, the urge to sneeze, watery eyes, and hopefully notmuch more than that.
Also Know, can a septum piercing mess up your nose?
A septum piercing, however, shouldn't penetratethe cartilage. It should go through the softer spaceof tissue just below the septum. Piercers refer to itas the sweet spot. The pain of getting aseptum piercing varies for everyone, but it willabsolutely cause you to tear up.
Men and women have used jewelry as a status symbol andalso for beautification according to the annals of history. Fromwearing small pearls signifying tears of mourning in VictorianEngland to the wearing of a band to indicate a person is married– septum piercing jewelry represents the opposite endof the scale.