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Asked by: Jesualdo Weissen
family and relationships parenting teensIs a teenager considered a child?
In this manner, is a teenager considered a kid?
A teenager, or teen, is a young personwhose age falls within the range from 13 -19. They are calledteenagers because their age number ends with "teen". In theUnited States, kids and teens from the ages 11-14 go tomiddle school while teenagers from the ages of 14-18typically go to high school.
Also to know is, are you still a kid at 15?
No a 15 year old is not a little kid. A15 year old is a young teen. They are stilltoo young to drive and and not old enough to work in most places.They are developing into a young man or woman.
12 years old I would consider it too be you'revery last year of your late childhood so its not like yourmain childhood. Some hit puberty at age 12 so its notreally a big part of your childhood compared to the yearsbefore. Teenage years are 13–19 and is not yourchildhood.