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Asked by: Agneta Interlandi
hobbies and interests musical instrumentsIs a timpani a percussion instrument?
Considering this, are timpani Unpitched percussion instrument?
The percussion family is the largest intheorchestra. Percussion instruments are classified aspitchedor unpitched. Pitched percussion instruments(alsocalled tuned) can play different notes, just like thewoodwind,brass and string instruments. Some examples are:thexylophone, timpani or marimba.
Similarly, you may ask, what family does the timpani belong to?
percussion family
The two major categories ofpercussioninstruments are membranophones, which add timbre tothe soundof being struck, (this includes the entire family ofdrums), andidiophones, (made of such material such as wood, metal,or bone,examples are Bells, Gongs, Triangles, Marimbas, and woodblocks)which make a pitched