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Asked by: Khadime Ases
home and garden indoor environmental qualityIs a vapor barrier necessary in a garage?
Also question is, do I need vapor barrier in unheated garage?
If it is an attached garage and we are talking about the wall between the garage and the living space then no, you do not need a vapor barrier. The house side of the wall will be warmer than the garage and any vapor will stay in the garage.
In this manner, are vapor barriers necessary?
In many colder North American climates, vapour barriers are a required part of building construction. You may find that vapour barriers are often not required in warmer climates. And, if installed in the wrong climate or on the wrong side of building materials, a vapour barrier can cause more harm than good.
Open cell spray foam is not a moisture vapor barrier, and will allow moisture to pass. So, if you're considering spraying foam to the roof deck of your new or existing home, you want open cell. If there's a roof leak, water will pass through the foam, and you will quickly be able to find your problem.