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Asked by: Madelaine Sanchez Porro
food and drink barbecues and grillingIs a wrap a sandwich or burrito?
Likewise, is a wrap the same as a burrito?
Wraps are generally more vegetable oriented. Aburrito is generally looked at as a standard Mexican staple.But you don't generally get a burrito with differentflavored tortillas. You get a wrap you can get spinach,sundried tomato, wheat, etc.
Subsequently, question is, is a burrito a type of sandwich?
Sure, a burrito is delicious and filling —but is it a sandwich? "A sandwich is a meat orpoultry filling between two slices of bread, a bun or a biscuit,"was the definition the USDA (whose regulations call for theinspection of the meat in a burrito, but not insandwich) gave NPR. So not a sandwich.
The most common and widely available flatbread touse for the wrapper is a tortilla. In addition totraditional flour tortillas, try herb, pesto, whole wheat,jalapeño, lemon, spinach, and tomato flavors. Try pita andnaan breads, spring roll wrappers, orcrêpes.