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Asked by: Ryad Fairbrace
travel north america travelIs Alaska half the size of the United States?
At 663,300 square miles, Alaska is by far thelargest state in the United States, nearly two and ahalf times as large as Texas. In the case of many mapprojections, Alaska appears to be more than half thesize of the lower 48 states, when in reality thecontinental US is 4.7 times as large.
Hereof, how much of the US does Alaska take up?
If you mean population, we are 1/400the of the USpopulation. If you mean geographically, there is no part ofAlaska that touches the Lower 48. As Fred Vreeman wrote, weare 18.3% of total US area.
Likewise, people ask, what percent of US land area is Alaska?
And in case you're wondering how big each ofthese 3 areas are: Contiguous United States (Lower 48):3,119,884.69 square miles (8,080,464.3 km2) Alaska: 663,268sq mi (1,717,856 km2) Hawaii: 10,931 sq mi (28,311km2)