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A substance can be anything. It doesn't havetoconsist of a single element or type of molecule.Purehydrogen is a pure substance. Pure alcoholcould beethanol, methanol or a mixture of different alcohols, butas soonas you add water, which is not alcohol, you no longerhave apure substance.
Also know, what is considered a pure substance?
In chemistry, a pure substance is a sampleofmatter with both definite and constant composition anddistinctchemical properties. To avoid confusion, a puresubstance isoften referred to as a "chemicalsubstance."
In this regard, is gold a pure substance or a mixture?
Thus it is a mixture. b) 14-karat goldisan alloy of gold and other metals such as copper andsilver.Pure gold is referred to as 24-karat gold. c)Propaneis a chemical compound so it is apuresubstance.
Answer and Explanation: Blood is not a puresubstance.Blood is made up of many different componentslike cells,salts, proteins, water, etc.