Asked by: Shuangmei Elten
medical health substance abuse

Is Alcoholics Anonymous a non profit organization?

Answer: Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). AA may bethelargest and least visible nonprofit organizationservingyour community. Meetings are organized byvolunteermembers.

Keeping this in view, is Alcoholics Anonymous a 501c3 organization?

Answer: Yes. The General Service Board ofAlcoholicsAnonymous in New York is on the list of approvedtax exemptorganization that are able to accept contributionsundersection 501 (c) 3 of the Internal RevenueCode.

Additionally, what kind of book is Alcoholics Anonymous? Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How Many Thousands ofMenand Women Have Recovered from Alcoholism

Furthermore, how much money does Alcoholics Anonymous have?

Valued at $2-3 million, its title isAlcoholicsAnonymous, but it's better known as the BigBook and,for nearly 80 years, it's been helping alcoholicsin theirstruggle to get and stay sober.

What is the purpose of Alcoholics Anonymous?

Our primary purpose is to stay sober andhelpother alcoholics achieve sobriety. The primarypurpose ofA.A. is to carry its message of recovery tothealcoholic seeking help.

Related Question Answers

Libor Pohmelkin


Can you donate to Alcoholics Anonymous?

Alcoholics Anonymous has no dues or fees,butwe do have expenses. By tradition, AAisself-supporting through our own contributions. There is nofundingfrom New York or the United Way or otheroutsideentities.

Alena Rolfsen


Does AA get government funding?

The AA General Service Office (GSO)limitscontributions to US$3,000 a year. In keeping withAA'sSeventh Tradition, the Central Office is fullyself-supportingthrough the sale of literature and related products,and throughthe voluntary donations of AA membersandgroups.

Jessie Ambronn


What does Alano mean in AA?

The word Alano comes from an acronymrepresentingALcoholics ANOnonymous. The essential compromise wasthis:Individual groups, or groups of individuals, wouldbeallowed to purchase property and AA would agree torentrooms for meetings.

Branden Castaño


Can I deduct AA donations?

Alcoholics Anonymous Cleveland District Officeisa 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization with the IRS, andyourdonation is fully tax-deductible withintheguidelines of the U.S. law. To claim a donation asadeduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep youremaildonation receipt as your official record.

Rubiela Perales


What is a prudent reserve?

A “prudent reserve” consists of twoorthree months' worth of group expenses. The prudentreserve isintended to cover expenses in the event that thegroup has unusuallylow attendance or donations.

Wm Narasinha


Who are the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous?

Bill W.
Bob Smith

Santas Enters


Who owns the original AA manuscript?

Roberts bought the manuscript for $992,000atSotheby's in 2007. The original Big Book is a161-pageworking draft filled with handwritten edits by theAA'sfounders, some by main writer and co-founder WilliamWilson, betterknown as Bill W.

Yingying Alonsotegui


What is a big book?

A big book is a large version ofabook, often used by EYFS practitioners, to share astorywith the whole class.

Seila Wigodney


How many copies of the book Alcoholics Anonymous have been sold?

The Alcoholics Anonymous book has statsmostauthors only dream of: more than 30 million copiessold.Translated into 67 languages.

Sinue Buchheimer


Mehdi Smissen


When was the big book published?

April 10, 1939

Romaine Torbahn


Where was the AA Big Book written?

In May 1938, when Bill W. began work on the fi rstdraftof what is now the Big Book, AlcoholicsAnonymous, inNew York City and Newark, New Jersey, he had beensober about threeand a half years.

Maelys Guasch


How was aa founded?

The Birth of A.A. and Its Growth intheU.S./Canada. A.A. had its beginnings in 1935 at Akron,Ohio,as the outcome of a meeting between Bill W., a NewYorkstockbroker, and Dr. Bob S., an Akron surgeon. Both hadbeenhopeless alcoholics. Though a physician, Dr. Bob had notknownalcoholism to be a disease.

Bernita Leizagoyen


What is the success rate of AA?

“Peer reviewed studies peg the successrateof AA somewhere between five and 10 percent,”writesDodes. “About one of every 15 people who enter theseprogramsis able to become and stay sober.”

Danel Lindhuber


How does AA define an alcoholic?

Definition. Alcohol abuse disorderrefersto a long-term addiction to alcohol. A person withthiscondition does not know when or how to stop drinking.Theyspend a lot of time thinking about alcohol, and theycannotcontrol how much they consume, even if it is causingseriousproblems at home, work, and financially.

Jhoan Guthrie


Is Alcoholics Anonymous a religion?

Alcoholics Anonymous has only one requirementformembership and that is the desire to stop drinking. There isroomin AA for people of all shades of belief and non-belief. Wehaveseen many people come to AA and refuse to accept our helpbecausethey become angry or upset when others talk oftheirbeliefs.

Chloe Bakhlulzade


What is a drinking problem?

Problem drinkers are not physically dependentonalcohol. They can go days, week, or monthswithoutdrinking, if they want to. If they abstain, they willnothave detox symptoms. They may drink a lot, or theymaydrink occasionally.

Trudi Stegmanns


What is an open discussion meeting?

Open discussion meetings — one memberspeaksbriefly about his or her drinking experience, and then leadsadiscussion on A.A. recovery or any drinking-relatedproblemanyone brings up. (Closed meetings are for A.A.s oranyonewho may have a drinking problem.)