Asked by: Abraan Tatay
sports scuba diving

Is an anteater a producer consumer or decomposer?

Animals like lions, tigers, cats, wolves, sharks, walruses, polar bears, seals, vultures, anteaters, and owls eat other animals to get energy. 5. Another kind of consumer eats only dead plants and animals. This kind of consumer is called a decomposer.

Beside this, is a Earthworm a producer consumer or decomposer?

Although earthworms are like other consumers in that they are unable to produce their own food, they are unlike in that they do not eat live organisms. Having been physically broken down by the digestive system of an earthworm, the organic matter is now ready for a group of organisms called decomposers.

Furthermore, is protist a producer consumer or decomposer? EXAMPLES OF PROTISTS AND HOW THEY MOVE AND GET THEIR FOOD It gets energy by decomposing dead or decaying matter. It is a consumer. Plant-like protists like euglena move using flagellate and make their own food through photosynthesis. They are producers since they make their own food.

Besides, is archaebacteria a producer or consumer?

Kingdom: Archaebacteria -They are producers, consumers and decomposers. - They are a group of stationary AND mobile organisms, which means that while some can move, others can't. - The bacteria in the kingdom Archaebacteria are unicellular.

Is a squirrel a producer consumer or decomposer?

- Decomposer (fungi, bacteria, earth worms etc.) A Squirrel is a Primary Consumer and only in times of desperation will it eat meat and become a temporary Secondary Consumer.

Related Question Answers

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Is a mushroom a producer?

A mushroom, at first glance, would seem to be a type of plant (producer), because they live in the soil or on dead materials.

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What animals are secondary consumers?

Secondary consumers: frogs, small fish, krill, spiders. Tertiary consumers: snakes, raccoons, foxes, fish. Quaternary consumers: wolves, sharks, coyotes, hawks, bobcats. Note: Many animals can occupy different trophic levels as their diet varies.

Felisbela Dervish


Is bacteria a primary consumer?

Plants, algae and some types of bacteria (cyanobacteria) produce their own food this way. Producers also include certain types of bacteria that use chemical energy (instead of the sun) to make their own food. Organisms that consume producers are called primary consumers.

Evgueni Gerweg


Do worms poop out of their mouths?

Its mouth is also its anus. If separated, a piece of its body can grow into another worm. And the worm liquefies prey, which it then sucks through its mouth, excreting waste from the same opening later.

Catrin Kreskas


What animals are decomposers?

The dead things that are eaten by decomposers are called detritus which means "garbage". Some of the most common decomposers are bacteria, worms, slugs, snails, and fungi like mushrooms. Decomposers can be referred to as nature's recyclers because they help keep nutrients moving in food webs.

Deandra Candame


What are examples of producers and consumers?

Examples of producers include plants of all types (with a few exceptions as parasitic plants), cyanobacteria and phytoplankton. Consumers are organisms that feed on producers as they aren't capable of producing their own carbohydrates. They are divided into three: primary, secondary and tertiary consumers.

Housni Brangs


Which kingdoms are consumers?

Six Kingdoms Of Life
Question Answer
Which 2 kingdoms contain only prokaryotes? Eubacteria and Archaebacteria
What cell organelle does a eukaryotic cell have that a prokaryotic cell does not have? nucleus
Which 2 kingdoms contain only organisms that are consumers? fungi and animal

Aithana Babyuk


What 2 kingdoms are decomposers?

Fungi. This kingdom is made up of the decomposers (they absorb nutrients). Some of the members of this kingdom are fungi, slime molds, yeast, mold, and mushrooms.

Leia Heins


Is eubacteria a producer or consumer?

The cell wall of Eubacteria is made up of different materials and is more complex than the cell walls of plants or fungi. Eubacteria are classified according to how they obtain food. These bacteria can be producers, consumers or decomposers. Eubacteria are found everywhere, and most are harmless.

Salima Onoshkin


What are the six kingdoms?

The Six Kingdoms of Life
  • Archaebacteria.
  • Eubacteria.
  • Protista.
  • Fungi.
  • Plantae.
  • Animalia.

Kostas Puttkamer


How do eubacteria reproduce?

Unlike eukaryotic cells, which divide by mitosis or meiosis, eubacteria reproduce by binary fission. In this process, the genetic material is replicated, and the two copies move to separate nucleoid regions. Next, the plasma membrane pinches inward, producing two equal daughter cells.

Rahmouna Santareno


Can archaebacteria move?

Since they are single cells, symmetry is not applicable to archaebacteria. Movement: They move using flagella to propel them where they are moving to. They can twist it in a corkscrew movement and glide on secreted slime as if they were floating.

Fouzi Gerique


How do archaebacteria reproduce?

Reproduction. Archaea reproduce asexually by binary or multiple fission, fragmentation, or budding; mitosis and meiosis do not occur, so if a species of archaea exists in more than one form, all have the same genetic material. Both bacteria and eukaryotes, but not archaea, make spores.

Stanislava Calin


Is eubacteria prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

Structure. Like archeans, eubacteria are prokaryotes, meaning their cells do not have nuclei in which their DNA is stored. This distinguishes both groups from the eukaryotes, whose DNA is contained in a nucleus.

Venessa Jabbouri


Is E coli a decomposer?

They serve as decomposers, agents of fermentation, and play an important role in our own digestive system. Also, bacteria are involved in many nutrient cycles such as the nitrogen cycle, which restores nitrate into the soil for plants.

Astor Genro


What if there were no decomposers?

Imagine what would happen if there were no decomposers. Wastes and the remains of dead organisms would pile up and the nutrients within the waste and dead organisms would not be released back into the ecosystem. Producers would not have enough nutrients. Essentially, many organisms could not exist.

Rosel Raatjes


Is amoeba a producer or consumer?

Answer and Explanation:
An amoeba is a consumer, which means it must find and ingest food in order to gain energy and survive. Protists can be plant-like, animal-like or

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Can producers survive without decomposers?

Can producers survive without decomposers? Nothing can survive without decomposers. Without this recycling of carbon, all the carbon on earth would eventually become locked up in the intact dead bodies of producers and consumers, and there would be no more carbon available for the growth of a new individual.

Eustaquio Bratos


Is amoeba a decomposer?

No, amoeba is a protist. One of the differences between amoeba and fungi is that amoeba are unicellular, whereas most fungi are multicellular. Fungi also has cell walls, and amoeba don't. Fungi are decomposers, which amoeba isn't; amoeba uses its pseudopodia to get food.