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Asked by: Karla Bensalem
family and relationships marriage and civil unionsIs an heir a beneficiary?
Keeping this in view, who is considered an heir to an estate?
An heir-at-law is anyone who's entitled toinherit from someone who dies without leaving a last will andtestament or other estate plans. This status can be animportant factor not only in settling an estate but indetermining who might be entitled to challenge or contest a willwhen the deceased does leave one.
Also Know, who are the heirs of a deceased person?
An heir is a person who is legallyentitled to collect an inheritance, when a deceased persondid not formalize a last will and testament. Generally speaking,heirs who inherit the property are children, descendants orother close relatives of the decedent.
Generally, only spouses, registered domestic partners,and blood relatives inherit under intestate succession laws;unmarried partners, friends, and charities get nothing.If the deceased person was married, the surviving spouseusually gets the largest share.