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In this way, is a DNP a master's degree?
A DNP is a professional degreewhichgenerally focuses on the clinical aspects of a diseaseprocess.This degree will typically build upon the educationandexperience that advanced and master's degree-preparednursesalready have. Whereas a PhD is a research doctorate, aDNPis a practice doctorate.
Correspondingly, what is the difference between a masters and a doctorate in nursing?
There is a lot of overlap between the two, buttheprimary distinction is that FNP is both a job title andaspecialization and a DNP is a terminal degree for alltypesof NPs. However, some FNPs go further than a master's;theypursue a DNP. Along with a PhD, a DNP degree isthehighest degree in the nursing field.
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics(BLS),DNP-prepared nurse practitioners earned anaverage,annual salary of $135,830, as of May 2015. Nursepractitioners inthe following industries earned the highestsalaries thatyear: Personal care services.Specialtyhospitals.