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Asked by: Stanislava Swami
technology and computing computer peripheralsIs an optical drive necessary for a computer?
Just so, is an optical drive necessary for a gaming PC?
So while it is not necessary to have anopticaldrive in a gaming PC, it is recommended tohave one.Consoles come with an optical drive built in.However, it isan extra for PC owners which may cost upto$20-$30.
Subsequently, question is, is it important to have an optical drive?
An optical drive in a computer system allowsyouto use CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs to listen to musicorwatch a movie. Most drives also allow you to write data toadisc, so you can create your own music CDs or create a backupcopyof important data.
1 – Most music, movies and computer softwareisbeing delivered to the consumer over the Internet instead ofondiscs these days, making optical drivescompletelyunnecessary for younger consumers who don't own alibrary ofoptical media. You can still buy a laptopthat doeshave an internal optical drive.