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Asked by: Sebrina Ichaso
style and fashion skin careIs apple cider vinegar a good mosquito repellent?
Correspondingly, does apple cider vinegar repel mosquitoes?
Apple Cider Vinegar How it works: Apple cider vinegar has been a commonly used natural mosquito repellent for many years. Like most of the other ingredients on this list, apple cider works by altering your scent. This makes you less appealing to those pesky mosquitoes.
Then, are mosquitoes attracted to vinegar?
Trap mosquitoes with vinegar Apple cider vinegar has a sweet smell that will attract the mosquitoes to the trap, allowing you to then catch them and get rid of them.
Using Vitamin B12 makes mosquitoes go away from you. Eating bananas also makes them go away from you, because bananas have vitamin b12 in them.