Asked by: Yorel Orio
books and literature fiction

Is bag Gentil an adjective?

A few short, descriptive adjectives, usually expressing beauty, age, goodness, and size (you can remember this with the acronym “BAGS”), generally precede the nouns they modify: Beauty: beau (beautiful, handsome), joli (pretty) Goodness (or lack of it): bon (good), gentil (nice), mauvais (bad)

Similarly, you may ask, is Moche a bag adjective?

Adjective Placement There are a few adjectives, known by the acronym BAGS (Beauty, Age, Goodness, and Size) that do go before the noun, however. Among the 'M' adjectives from this lesson, moche (ugly), mauvais (bad/wrong), même (same), and meilleur (better/best) are those that would be placed before the noun.

Subsequently, question is, is Gentil masculine or feminine? gentil = gentile masculine or feminine noun.

Simply so, what are bags adjectives in French?

The qualities they describe can be summarized by the acronym BAGS: B for beauty: beau (beautiful), joli (pretty) A for age: jeune (young), vieux (old), nouveau (new) G for goodness: bon (good), meilleur (better), mauvais (bad), gentil (kind)

What is a qualifying adjective?

1. qualifying adjective - an adjective that ascribes to its noun the value of an attribute of that noun (e.g., `a nervous person' or `a musical speaking voice') descriptive adjective. adjective - a word that expresses an attribute of something.

Related Question Answers

Evelyne Axcaray


Where do bags adjectives go?

A few short, descriptive adjectives, usually expressing beauty, age, goodness, and size (you can remember this with the acronym “BAGS”), generally precede the nouns they modify: Beauty: beau (beautiful, handsome), joli (pretty) Age: nouveau (new), vieux (old), jeune (young)

Milana Juerges


What is a noun in grammar?

A noun is a word that names something: either a person, place, or thing. In a sentence, nouns can play the role of subject, direct object, indirect object, subject complement, object complement, appositive, or adjective.

Aamer Querrec


Where does beaucoup go in the sentence?

Ils aiment beaucoup aller au cinéma.
You often find long adverbs at the end of a sentence, even if it means separating it from the conjugated verb. For example: Vous écoutez le professeur attentivement. (You are listening to the professor attentively.)

Saim Marinov


Does Gentil go before noun?

It's not a bug: "gentil" is among the adjectives that are usually placed before the noun, but that also can be placed after the noun. "sympa" is an adjective that comes from "sympathique".

Geir Schreter


What is a word that comes before a noun?

A postpositive adjective or postnominal adjective is a predicative adjective that is placed after the noun or pronoun that it modifies. This contrasts with prepositive adjectives, which come before the noun or pronoun.

Senobia Bretal


Where do adverbs go in French?

Where to place the adverb in French
  • When an adverb is placed before the verb in a declarative sentence, we usually put this adverb after the second part of the negation (pas) in negative sentences.
  • Adverbs that describe an infinitive come after the infinitive.

Ilhem Borralho


Do colors go before or after the noun in French?

Like any French adjectives, color adjectives will agree in number (singular or plural) and gender (feminine or masculine) with the noun they modify. Unlike English, French color adjective go after the noun.

Frederick Himmighofer


What is a French adjective?

An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun. All French adjectives agree in number (singular or plural) and gender (masculine or feminine) with the nouns they describe. Unlike English, most French adjectives are placed after the nouns they modify. A few adjectives, however, precede the noun.

Marceli Milchorena


Where do French adjectives go?

Most French adjectives go after the noun they describe. Some very common adjectives usually come before the noun: bon/mauvais, court/long, grand/petit, jeune/nouveau/vieux, gros, haut, beau, joli, premier, meilleur.

Artemio Bolinaga


Do adjectives come before nouns?

adjectives before nouns
Adjectives are normally placed before nouns and this is known as the modifier or attributive position.

Von Heinrichson


What does bangs stand for in French?

That's because many common French adjectives belong to the BANGS group I mentioned earlier. As a reminder, BANGS adjectives (beauty, age, number, goodness, size) are adjectives that are placed before the noun they describe.

Shannan Scholten


What is an irregular adjective in French?

Lesson Summary
Some French adjectives have irregular patterns. Common irregular adjectives include: doux, douce / doux, douces. faux, fausse / faux, fausses. vieux, vieille / vieux, vieilles.

Norene Mumdjian


Is Sportif masculine or feminine?

sportif [French] | sportifs [plural] | sportive [feminine, plural] | sportives [feminine, plural]

Veronika Epelde


What is the feminine plural form of Travailleur?

travailleur m (plural travailleurs, feminine travailleuse), worker, one who works.

Vlada Skinner


Is Blanc masculine or feminine?

Colours are masculine in French when used as a noun, however when they are used as an adjective, certain names of colours will change to accord with the subject whilst others remain invariable. Le short is masculine and we use "blanc", whilst "La chemise" is feminine and we use "blanche".

Flordeliza Adiloff


What is the feminine of Gentil in French?

Two exceptions include gentil (nice), which is gentille in its feminine adjective form and gentiment (nicely) as an adverb, and bref (brief), which is brève in its feminine adjective form and brièvement (briefly) as an adverb.

Millerlandy Frau


What is an example of a qualifier?

A qualifier is a word or phrase that changed how absolute, certain or generalized a statement is. Qualifiers include: Qualifiers of quantity: some, most, all, none, etc. Qualifiers of time: occasionally, sometimes, now and again, usually, always, never, etc.

Kathia Guitarte


What is a adjective example in a sentence?

Adjectives are words that are used to describe or modify nouns or pronouns. For example, red, quick, happy, and obnoxious are adjectives because they can describe things—a red hat, the quick rabbit, a happy duck, an obnoxious person.