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Asked by: Matheo Vari
medical health bone and joint conditionsIs bone stronger after a fracture?
Also, do bones become stronger after fracture?
Broken Bones Grow Back Stronger…This calcium collection is really strong, so, while thebone is healing there is a period when the break siteis stronger than it ever has been. But, the rest of thebone surrounding the break site actually demineralizesbecause of inactivity (since you're probably in acast).
One may also ask, is it normal to be tired after breaking a bone?
It is not uncommon for a person to feel dizzy or groggyafter breaking a bone and sometimes people feel cold astheir body goes into shock. Within a few hours of your bonebreaking, the body forms a clot around thebreak.
A broken bone and the surrounding soft tissuedamage need a minimum of six to eight weeks to heal.However, depending on your general health and the condition of yourbone and soft tissue, healing can take much longer. Forexample, osteoporotic bones take longer to heal thannormal bones.