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Asked by: Jerobel Bernia
video gaming console gamesIs breath of the wild the last Zelda game in the timeline?
People also ask, which Zelda timeline is breath of the wild?
No matter what happens, Breath of theWildhappens. Surprisingly, The Legend of Zelda: Breathofthe Wild now officially falls at the end of every branch ofthetimeline. Officially, the Legend of Zeldatimelinesplits into three branches, with Ocarina of Time actingas theinflection point.
People also ask, is there an after game in breath of the wild?
1. Yes and no. Technically, there isn'tany"post-game" roam because afterfighting thefinal boss you can only load your save from rightbefore the finalboss. Since you can beat the game withoutdoing them, theyare technically optional, but it's not likeyou aren't toldto go do them.
The Legend of Zelda Timeline is thein-universechronology of The Legend of Zelda series. Thoughthe seriesbegan in 1986, Nintendo did not publish amastertimeline until Hyrule Historia in 2011. Thetimelinehad previously existed in a highly confidentialdocumentconceived as early as 2005.