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Asked by: Wally Valyavski
hobbies and interests candle and soap makingIs candle wax an element or a compound?
Likewise, people ask, is wax a element or compound?
A wax is a simple lipid which is an ester of along-chain alcohol and a fatty acid. The alcohol may contain from12-32 carbon atoms. Waxes are found in nature as coatings onleaves and stems.
- Hydrocarbon makeup, a combination of hydrogen and carbon.
- Solid at room temperature and liquid when heated, known asthermoplasticity.
- Low chemical reaction.
- Water repellant.
- Low toxicity.
- Little odor.
- Smooth texture.
Keeping this in consideration, is Candle a compound?
-Quora. All waxes are essentially hydrocarbons, which means they arelargely composed of hydrogen (H) and carbon (C) atoms. When youlight a candle, the heat of the flame melts the wax near thewick.
Candle wax will melt to a liquid and burn as agas. Only covalent compounds can be liquid or gas! Ioniccompounds are formed from a metal and a nonmetal. They give upand take on electrons in order to bond!