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Asked by: Izarbe Purcell
real estate real estate buying and sellingIs cash back at closing legal?
Likewise, can you get cash back at closing?
Answer: Cash back at closing occurs when a buyer agrees to pay more for a property than its true market value, so he or she can borrow more money than the home is worth and receive the excess proceeds in the form of cash, credit, or something else of value when the transaction is completed (closed).
Then, can you get cash back when purchasing a home?
Get cash back from the seller. If you are buying a home that is in foreclosure and paying actual cash for it rather than buying it through the bank with a loan, you are allowed by law to offer the actual priced quoted for the house, even if the seller is willing to take less for it.
A negative number indicates the amount that the consumer will receive at consummation. A result of zero indicates that the consumer will neither pay nor receive any amount at consummation.”