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Also to know is, are Catholic school better than public?
Do Catholic School Students Have a BetterChance of Getting Into College? Private schools overall havehigh graduation rates — about 95 percent on average —and the rate at Catholic schools is even higher: about 97percent. (By contrast, the public school high schoolgraduation rate is about 84 percent.)
Just so, are Catholic schools funded by the church?
Maintained Catholic schools are either VoluntaryAided, where 10% of the capital funding is provided by theChurch, or Academies, which are fully state funded.In addition, some 130 independent schools have aCatholic character.
Catholic schools in the United States and othercountries teach evolution as part of their sciencecurriculum. They teach the fact that evolution occursand the modern evolutionary synthesis, which is thescientific theory that explains how evolutionproceeds.