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Asked by: Honorino Mikhnenko
food and drink barbecues and grillingIs chuck eye steak good for grilling?
Considering this, is chuck eye steak the same as chuck roast?
The difference between chuck roast and chucksteak is simply the cut. Chuck is an inexpensive beefthat comes from the muscle between the neck and shoulder blade ofthe beef cattle. That's why other names for chuck roastinclude blade pot roast. Roasts and steaks aremost popular cuts of chuck.
Herein, are chuck steaks good for grilling?
Grilling. While the chuck steak cancertainly be grilled to perfection like any othersteak, in order to get the most out of your meat it'sbest to marinate your chuck steak for at least a couple ofhours before it hits the grill. Cook your steak for 5minutes on each side for medium rare.
A 242-gram serving, or about 8.5 ounces, of grilled,boneless, choice rib eye steak with all of its margin of fattrimmed off contains 520 calories, 133 percent of the recommendeddaily intake of protein, 44 percent of the fat and 6 percent of thesodium. It contains no carbohydrates or fiber.