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Asked by: Masseye Simoes
home and garden indoor environmental qualityIs copper a better conductor than steel?
resistance is the electrical resistivity. So iscopperthe best metal conductor? Copper is a betterconductorthan iron, which means current can flow easier (withlessresistance) through copper. This is an inherentproperty of amaterial.
Likewise, people ask, is copper a better conductor of heat than steel?
Copper is a good conductor of heat.Thismeans that if you heat one end of a piece ofcopper,the other end will quickly reach the sametemperature. Most metalsare pretty good conductors; however,apart from silver,copper is the best. However, itsthermalconductivity is 30 times worse thancopper's.
Keeping this in view, is copper the best metal conductor?
Although it is the best conductor,copperand gold are used more often in electricalapplications becausecopper is less expensive and gold has amuch highercorrosion resistance. Most metalsconductelectricity.
- Copper and Silver Are Most Common. Silver is the bestconductorof electricity because it contains a higher number ofmovable atoms(free electrons).
- Aluminum Works Well, But Has Risks.
- Gold Is Effective But Expensive.
- Steel and Brass Alloys Have Special Uses.