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Consequently, is DirecTV now reliable?
DirecTV Now wins the channels game, with moretopchannels in its base package than every competitor. Roku isthemost popular streaming device platform but unfortunately foritsowners, DirecTV Now on Roku is hardly thezippy,reliable cable-cutter you might expect.
In this manner, how can I get DirecTV to lower my bill?
Here are the steps you too can utilize to lower yourDIRECTVbill:
- Call DIRECTV Customer Service at 1-855-387-6898.
- Press option #2 and option #3 to go to the cancelservicecenter.
- Greet the representative by name and state you'd liketodisconnect your service.
DIRECTV Now is AT&T's streaming live TVapp.It's compatible with most smart devices, and is also one ofthecheaper pay-TV providers. While DIRECTV is apopularfavorite because of its exclusive NFL Sunday Ticket.CompareDIRECTV Now with DIRECTV,side-by-side.