Asked by: Georgetta Boldor
music and audio science and medicine podcasts

Is evidence the same as fact?

The "evidence" does not simply disclose the"facts." The "evidence" is an indistinguishable partof the "facts," and the "evi- dence" determines the"facts" as much as the "facts" control the "evi-dence."

Correspondingly, what makes something a fact?

In science, a fact is a repeatable carefulobservation or measurement (by experimentation or other means),also called empirical evidence. In the most basic sense, ascientific fact is an objective and verifiable observation,in contrast with a hypothesis or theory, which is intended toexplain or interpret facts.

Furthermore, what is fact in law of evidence? Article Contents. Evidence, in law, any ofthe material items or assertions of fact that may besubmitted to a competent tribunal as a means of ascertaining thetruth of any alleged matter of fact under investigationbefore it. Evidence.

Subsequently, one may also ask, what is the difference between a statistic and a fact?

A statistic is just a number. And numbers are aseasily manipulatable, incomplete, and misleading as words are. Butthey're more dangerous than words, because numbers are associatedwith math, and math is associated with fact. $1.31 billionis a statistic.

What is a statement of fact?

A fact is a statement that is real ortrue, or a thing that can be shown to be real or true. Afact is something that has really happened or is actuallythe case. The usual test for a statement of fact is whetherit can be seen to be true. Standard reference works are often usedto check facts.

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