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Asked by: Ula Miguel
technology and computing web developmentIs Extreme Programming still relevant?
Similarly, you may ask, is agile still relevant?
It was, effectively, a movement. Agileisstill a relevant business development modelmindset,but agile has become a software buzzword. We agreewith DaveThomas in his assertion that Agile is an adjectiveandshould be associated with agility in the process… notaprocess called Agile.
Also to know, when should Extreme Programming be used?
Most of the researchers and developers agreethatExtreme Programming should be applied to systemsthathave no constant functionality features. If thesystemshould often change its functions it requires the useofExtreme Programming method.
The greatest advantage of Extreme Programmingisthat this methodology allows software development companies tosavecosts and time required for project realization. XPeliminatesunproductive activities to reduce costs and frustrationof everyoneinvolved. It allows developers to focusoncoding.