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Asked by: Essaddik Helbing
technology and computing computer peripheralsIs fax or email more secure?
Similarly one may ask, is a fax machine more secure than email?
Private Data Email often feels very secure, perhapsmore than the fax at times. This is because you won'thave to deal with papers spread all over the place. However, thefax machine is inherently private. Emails needencryption to remain safe, while the fax is alreadyencrypted.
Similarly, you may ask, why fax is more secure than email?
It is stored, saved, copied and forwarded multiple timeswithout any form of encryption. This means that email canvery easily become compromised and the important data within it canbe read and downloaded by unscrupulous third parties. Cloudfaxing, and even manual faxing, are a different storyentirely.
Fax machines can be hacked tobreach a network, using only its number. While CMS AdministratorSeema Verma called for the end of fax machine use by 2020,new Check Point research found a hacker could steal data from aflaw in the fax protocol.