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Just so, is the water in Galveston safe to swim in?
Galveston Bay Foundation (GBF) often gets askedif the water is safe to swim in, and fortunately, wehave the answer! GBF's Water Monitoring Team collectsvaluable water quality data including fecal bacteriaconcentrations at many nearshore sites around the Bay on a monthlybasis.
Furthermore, are the beaches in Galveston safe?
The Galveston County Health Department worksdiligently to keep the public informed about the safety ofour beaches! Sea Beans – Sea beans are parts of acategory of plants called salicornia and grow salt marshes,beaches and in mangroves and are found in several oceans.One of their many nicknames is sea beans.
Galveston beach patrol Peter Davis said thereason that the water is clear is because the currentchanged from east to west, so there's no mud and sedimentbeing dumped into the beaches. Galveston has clearwater just in time for Memorial Day. But, even when thewater is murky, it's not necessarilydirty.