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Asked by: Monsalud Nohales
home and garden indoor environmental qualityIs glass a thermal insulator or conductor?
Likewise, is glass a conductor or insulator?
An insulator is a material that does notconductheat or electricity. In comparison, conductors arethematerials that conduct electricity and/or heat. Aluminum is agoodconductor of heat and electricity. Glass, ontheother hand, is an insulator and so isrubber.
Correspondingly, why is glass a good insulator?
Glass is used as an insulator becauseithas atoms that have electrons that are closely connected witheachother. And because of this property, it does not allowelectrons tofreely roam around and be shared by nearby atoms thuspreventingthe flow of electrical current in othermaterials.
Copper is a better heat conductorthanglass. In general, we think of metals asgoodconductors. In fact, metals vary widely intheirconductivity but, overall, they are better conductorsofheat than most liquids and gasses. Wood is an example ofasolid that is a poor heat conductor.