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Asked by: Upa Ravenberg
food and drink barbecues and grillingIs ground red pepper the same as chili powder?
This generic form of ground chili pepper—which can be labeled by spice manufacturers as ground red pepper or red chili powder—has a similar finely ground, bright red appearance to cayenne and paprika, but can be made from a variety of ground chilis in the Capsicum family of peppers.
Consequently, is red pepper and chili powder the same?
In most instances I've seen, in American cookbooks, "red pepper" refers to cayenne pepper or chili powder (not the spice mix designed for making chili con carne, but dried, ground chilis). It is usually spicy rather than being red bell pepper.
Then, what is a substitute for ground red pepper?
Since ground cayenne pepper is made from the same pepper as crushed red pepper flakes, it also makes a good substitute. Use 1/2 to 3/4 as much ground cayenne to achieve the same level of heat.
Here we will review what we think are the 10 best chili powders you can use to spice up your food.
- Simply Organic Chili Powder.
- McCormick Dark Chili Powder.
- Carolina Reaper Powder.
- Cayenne Pepper Powder.
- Ghost Chili Pepper Powder.
- Frontier Chili Powder Blend.
- McCormick Chili Powder.
- Red Chili Pepper Powder from France.