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Asked by: Miyoko Celador
home and garden indoor environmental qualityIs hair a good conductor of electricity?
Just so, is hair a good conductor of heat?
Stagnaqt air is a poor conductor of heat and thusis good insulation. If the hair is very dense, thereis less air space and conductivity will actually increase if thehair shafts are better conductors thanair.
Then, is air good conductor of electricity?
No, air is a very poor conductor of electricity,in fact, it is such a good insulator that it is used as theprimary insulation used on medium-, high-, and Very-high voltageoverhead transmission and distribution lines.
Finger nails are made up of special type of cells knownas keratin (they are actually dead cells from our body)which is a non conductor of electricity. Keratin isknown for its strength and roughness.