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Asked by: Hasnain Munehin
hobbies and interests sci fi and fantasyIs Harry Potter speculative fiction?
Also asked, is Harry Potter fiction or fantasy?
Harry Potter can even be considered a classicfantasy hero: the apparently ordinary and even oppressedchild who turns out to be special. Some say that sciencefiction is not really a genre but is actually a type ofmodern fantasy. The magic of science fiction comesfrom the exploration of scientific fact.
Hereof, what are the elements of speculative fiction?
This includes, but is not limited to, sciencefiction, fantasy, superhero fiction, horror, utopianand dystopian fiction, fairytale fantasy, supernaturalfiction as well as combinations thereof (e.g. sciencefantasy). Speculative fiction differs from other types offiction such as slice of life and fromnon-fiction.
Structure and genre. The Harry Potternovels are mainly directed at a young adult audience as opposed toan audience of middle grade readers, children, or adults. Thenovels fall within the genre of fantasy literature, andqualify as a type of fantasy called "urban fantasy","contemporary fantasy", or "lowfantasy".