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Moreover, what is heat shrink tubing?
Heat shrink tubing is a form ofplastictubing that contracts or shrinks in sizewhenheat is applied to it. It's most common application isinelectrical wiring, where the plastic tubes are shrunk down tofitaround exposed wires.
Also Know, what temperature is needed for heat shrink tubing?
In most cases, standard tubing willprovideadequate sealing, but adhesive lined tubing goes astepfurther. Shrink temperature: Common polyolefinmaterialshave a recommended shrink temperature of around90°C,although other materials offer shrink temperatures,notablyTeflon, as high as 250°C.
Electrical tape is not as durable as, forexample,heat shrink tubing. Over time it will loseitsadhesive properties and eventually fall off the cableorwire.