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Keeping this in view, does hydroxide have a positive charge?
A water molecule is charge neutral becausethereis the same number of positive charges as there arenegativecharges. When water ionizes one of the hydrogenatomsabsconds with itself and leaves it's electron behind, givingus thehydroxide ion. The extra electron giveshydroxide anet charge of -1.
Additionally, is an acid positive or negative?
Acids are compounds that have a hydrogenionconnected to some other ion. Because the hydrogen ion isapositively charged ion, the opposite ion isanegative charged. One of the most well knownacidsout there is hydrochloric acid. It's chemicalmakeup is:HCl.
HO is a molecule containing positiveHydrogenOxygen atoms i.e it is a cation. OH is a moleculecontainingnegative Hydrogen Oxygen atoms i.e it is an anion. Bothare ions,HO+ is Hydroxide, OH- is Oxyhydride. Both areacceptable andthe only difference is about the chargeonoxygen.