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Accordingly, is the word hypocrite offensive?
The word hypocrite is rooted in theGreekword hypokrites, which means “stage actor,pretender,dissembler.” So think of a hypocrite as aperson whopretends to be a certain way, but really acts andbelieves thetotal opposite.
Similarly, what does it mean when someone calls you a hypocrite?
The definition of a hypocrite is apersonwho pretends to have certain beliefs, attitudes or feelingswhenthey really do not. An example of a hypocrite isaperson who says they care about the environment, but areconstantlylittering.
The cause of hypocrisy originallystemsfrom insecurity. Selfishness is a form of insecurity becauseanoverly selfish person needs to take advantage of orwithholdresources from others, since they don't believe they canlive theirbest life being generous and honest.