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Simply so, do I have an iCloud email address?
iCloud: Create an iCloud Mailemailaddress. If you set up iCloud using an Apple IDthatdoesn't end with, you must [email protected] email address on your iOS device orMacbefore you can use iCloud Mail. You already haveanequivalent address that [email protected]
Similarly, how do I find out my iCloud email address?
Go to Settings > iCloud. Tap MailunderAdvanced. Under iCloud Account Information, tapyouremail address. Tap the @icloud.comemailaddress that you want to use as the default for sendingmailfrom iCloud Mail.
Go to, click ManagemyApple ID and sign in with your currentiCloud ID. Tapedit next to the primary email account,tap Edit,change it back to your old emailaddress andsave the change. Then edit the name of theaccount tochange it back to your oldemailaddress.