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Regarding this, what are the consequences of impatience?
Physiological effects: Impatienceincreasesbloodpressure, brings about release of stress-relatedhormones suchasadrenaline, cortisol,etc, increases risk of heartdiseaseandcauses many more effects. Eventually weight gain, highbloodsugarand high blood pressure set in.
- Take deep, slow breaths, and count to 10.
- Impatience can cause you to tenseyourmusclesinvoluntarily.
- Learn to manage your emotions .
- Force yourself to slow down.
- Practice active listening and empathic listening.
Similarly, it is asked, what is impatience a symptom of?
Impatience is not a lack ofpatience. The word impatience is "im" +"patience,"which,on its face, means “a lack ofpatience.” Patienceseemslike a substantial thing—aspecific mental process.Bycontrast, impatience is thought tobe nothing but a lackofpatience.
People who frequently become impatientandangryare in a constant state of stress. The body reactstothatstress by releasing hormones such as adrenalineorcortisolwhich help the body respond to astressfulsituation. "Thesehormones also cause thebody's fat cells torelease fat intothe bloodstream."