Asked by: Jinhao Papernick
news and politics crime

Is IPC 338 bailable?

IPC 338 is a Bailableoffence.

In this way, what IPC 338?

Causing grievous hurt by act endangering life orpersonal safety of others.—Whoever causes grievous hurt toany person by doing any act so rashly or negligently as to endangerhuman life, or the personal safety of others, shall be punishedwith imprisonment of either description for a term which may extendto two years

Additionally, what is 185 MV Act? Section 185 in The Motor Vehicles Act,1988. 185. Driving by a drunken person or by a person underthe influence of drugs.—Whoever, while driving, or attemptingto drive, a motor vehicle,— 1[ (a) has, in his blood,alcohol exceeding 30 mg. per 100 ml.

Accordingly, what IPC 337?

Causing hurt by act endangering life or personal safetyof others.—Whoever causes hurt to any person by doing any actso rashly or negligently as to endanger human life, or the personalsafety of others, shall be punished with imprisonment of eitherdescription for a term which may extend to six months, or withfine

What IPC 511?

Whoever attempts to commit an offence punishable by thisCode with imprisonment for life or imprisonment, or to cause suchan offence to be committed, and in such attempt does any acttowards the commission of the offence, shall, where no expressprovision is made by this Code for the punishment of such attempt,be

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