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Asked by: Euquerio Nihar
business and finance construction industryIs it cheaper to build on a slab or piers?
In this way, which is cheaper pier and beam or slab?
While pier & beam systems do createvery stable foundations, and are preferable in some situations,they can deteriorate over time. However, they are usually easierand less expensive to repair than a slabfoundation.
Furthermore, is it cheaper to build on a slab or crawl space?
Generally, slab foundations are good for areasthat get a lot of rain. They also tend to be cheaper.Crawlspaces work in drier areas or those with sloped terrain. Thistype requires more labor and are more expensive tobuild.
Spacing. When installing piers for apier-and-beam foundation, you have options as to how farapart the piers can be installed. Pier placement dependson wall structure and how the weight of the building will bedistributed throughout the foundation. Common pier placementdistances are 8 to 10 feet apart.