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Asked by: Magyar Glazovsky
home and garden indoor environmental qualityIs it code to have an expansion tank on water heater?
People also ask, do I need an expansion tank on my water heater?
An expansion tank is always highly recommended if you have a 'closed-loop system' caused by any kind of check valve or pressure regulating valve installed on your house's water supply line. A common analogy compares having high water pressure in your home to having high blood pressure.
In respect to this, where does an expansion tank go on a water heater?
Your expansion tank can be anywhere on your plumbing system and does not need to be installed in close proximity to the water heater. It is most commonly installed using a “T” at the cold inlet to the water heater. But, functionally, it can be installed anywhere on the cold inlet line.
California Plumbing Code Section 608.3 requires an expansion tank to be installed on the water heater when it is a closed system. There are some Water Districts that may not install a check valve or backflow prevention device in every situation.