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Asked by: Fausti Boveda
events and attractions birthdayIs it Happy Valentine Day or Happy Valentine's Day?
Beside this, how do you spell Happy Valentine Day?
The spelling of Valentine's Daycansometimes be confusing. In some cultures we see it is spelledas“St. Valentine's Day” and othersjustspell it as “Valentines Day”.Theofficial way to spell it is with the apostrophe so itwillbe “Valentine's Day”.
Furthermore, is Happy Valentine Day capitalized?
The short answer is yes, Valentine's Dayiscapitalized because it is a special date referring toaholiday. It also always has an apostrophe since it refers totheholiday celebrating St. Valentine. Youshouldcapitalize all proper nouns in theEnglishlanguage.
A: Yes, there is an apostrophe +“s”in “Valentine's Day.” The longerform of thename for the holiday is “St.Valentine'sDay.”